Praying and Fasting as a family
My family and I once again joined the prayer and fasting in CCF. This year’s theme is the Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. We have been joining this activity for several years already but this is the first time we committed to fast 1 meal for the whole period.
I, personally, was challenged by this. The temptation was real. At first I thought I couldn’t do it because I never really let dinner pass without having rice and I’m still breastfeeding my son. But last December I was able to practice this habit of fasting when a sister in Christ encouraged me to do it. That’s the only time I understood the real meaning and importance of it.
Fasting is and should be part of the Christian life.
So last month I committed to fast one meal every Friday of the week. The thing I thought I couldn’t do became a big breakthrough for me. Instead of joining my mom for dinner, I would stay in my room and dwell in God’s presence and word.
Indeed it was the most beautiful and exciting experience ever! Yes, the world is so noisy, full of negativity and worries. But being with God is the only time that gives me peace and comfort. I would cry and pray hard. That despite of all of my struggles and trials in life He continuously gives me joy and courage to face all my battles.
My insights and revelation
God as our Father always wants what’s best for us. In our prayers, it must be our top priority to glorify God’s name. With that, we should aim to glorify Him with our bodies, in our family, work/school, community, and church.
Advancing God’s kingdom should be in every area of our lives. We should reflect on how we can advance His Kingdom where has placed us or in every trials and pains that we have experienced.
God’s provision may come in different ways, through different people and things.
The testimony of brother Jairus on how God has provided for him was so amazing. I remember the same thing that happened to me when I was so short of money when I started on my second job. I was having breakfast before going to work when I realized that I don’t have any allowance left. In my mind I was already thinking of borrowing money from my mom but I was hesitant because I don’t want to burden her with it.
Then suddenly she came up to me and handed me some money. I was surprised and she told me “Why you’re not telling me that you didn’t have any money left?” Then I looked at her and smiled shyly. I wanted to cry and I was teary eyed already. But wait! There’s more! After a few minutes my mom came back with a packet of my favorite chocolate!
Indeed when God provides, it overflows.
Only by His grace we have overcome the desire of the flesh. Above all this, the best experience in this prayer and fasting is God’s revelation to each and every one of us. To encounter God and for Him to intervene in all our desires and plans for this year was the best part of it.

I’m so proud of these people for succeeding this Prayer and Fasting with an intentional desire to seek God and be transformed by Him. We know we’re not perfect and we can never be perfect. But by the grace of God we can be changed and sin less and less.
This is also the best time for us to be accountable to each other, reflecting on our lives, and sharing our victories and faith goals. We shared our weaknesses and shortcomings. We rebuked each other with love. And we encouraged one another to strengthen our faith and to obey God’s will.