Bringing toddlers to places where they are required to behave well, stay calm, and be quiet can be challenging to parents. The struggle is real especially when we know that temper tantrums usually happens between the ages of 1 and 3. Scenes like you are in a bank, or in a shop or a restaurant and you have your child with you screaming, running all over the place,or crying, can be really stressful.

What more going to a church service where everybody is enjoying their time listening to the pastor’s message. Of course you wouldn’t want to bother anyone. But taking our kids to church would instill to them the importance of fellowship and worship with fellow believers.

There is this one Sunday where only me and my son went to church. I was a bit worried because we have brought Josh several times and I know how he wouldn’t sit still during the service. In my mind I was already thinking how I would handle him when he misbehave.  I know how hard and inconvenient it is to follow him around and just let him do what he wants. 


                              Believe me or not he ate up all these cookies in one sitting.

So I prayed asking God to help me. Then He gave me an idea to bring the new book that I have bought for Josh and some snacks. Just after the praise and worship, I had him sit on the chair next to me and pulled out his book and snacks and voilà!! He sat there for more than an hour eating and looking at his book with amazement like he’s watching a movie! Lord indeed You are my ever present help! (Psalms 46:1)


Here are some tips to make your child busy during the church service:

  • Sit at the back or the most corner part of the church

This is so we can easily get to the comfort room or have a quick exit if needed. It would also keep our children from distracting most people.

  • Bring COLORFUL Picture or Story Books

    Make sure the books are colorful. This is very essential if you want to get their attention. Lift-the-flap kind of books is also a good way to keep them busy checking on each flaps. 


This is the one that I used to keep Josh sit still during the church service.

I bought this Lift-the-Flap NUMBER FUN book at National Book Store.

I also like Brown Watson books “My First ABC” and “My First 1000 Words and Pictures”. They are colorfully and beautifully illustrated. My son likes them very much.


If you know that your child is fond of drawing and playing with crayons, then it’s good to bring a drawing pad or a coloring book. It can help to keep them busy and quiet. Just check on them from time to time if they’re already drawing on chairs or on the floor.


Quiet toys like puzzles,blocks, or one with stickers can be a good thing. But it’s better to bring toys that your child really likes. My son is into cars,trains, and planes.


Never ever forget this one! hahaha This can fuel them up to do the activities above and just stay in one place. But be sure to bring wipes because they can really get messy sometimes. They can also get their books or toys dirty while eating. So you better clean them afterwards to keep them for long term.


Sometimes we don’t take the time to pray before we go to church because maybe we think we can pray when we get there anyway. But I was reminded once again that our battle and temptation can happen the moment we wake up. So it’s a must that we turn to God first and ask for wisdom and guidance in everything we will do and everywhere we have to go for the day.

Know What Works Best For Your Child

At the end of the day, we, at least , have an idea what we think would work best for our kids. I used to bring toys for him but now that he’s two I noticed that he would still want to wander around inside the church. So I stop bringing toys and have books instead. I find it working so I guess I have to observe again as he grows up and check different things that would keep him busy.

How about you?

How do you keep your child quiet and busy in church? Let me know in the comment section below. 


Hi there! My name’s Sheen! I’m a Christian blogger from the Philippines. My blog shares God story on how He is teaching me to have The Heart That Is Good in every area of life. You can also find devotionals and other people’s inspiring stories in my blog. Join me as we learn how to live a life with a teachable heart.

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  1. Brilliant tips, mommy! I have a 2-year old boy, and believe me, I ran out of ideas for things to pack for the little one whenever we need to go somewhere. You may be able to relate with this–I have the biggest bag whenever we have to go out! Haha. I recently favorited “Slime” in my to-bring list as it keeps him quiet for quite some time. He does need to work somewhere with a table though, and I bring a small place mat so he does not mess around everywhere. 🙂

    1. Thanks mommy Chelle! My son just turned 2 last February! That’s true! I often carry a big bag just to put all his stuff and mine. Have you tried using some stickers? I might try it next time. ^_^

  2. Kudos to you for letting your child grow and experience the faith from a young age. I’m thankful that many churches now have a room specifically for children and their caregivers. This a is a big stress reliever for moms who want to attend the service but can’t leave their toddlers at home.

    1. Thanks @Gel jose! We also have a room for parents with toddlers in our church. But as much as possible, I’d choose to sit near the back of the church so I can hear the message clearly coz it could get really noisy in the toddlers room with children playing or running around sometimes.

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