Learning is fun!! That’s what I often tell my students. And it is something I really enjoy. Even when I already became a mom, my desire to learn and develop my self did not stop.

I’m so blessed to have known about Mamacademy PH! My Learning journey as a first time mom has been MAMAzing since then! Being part of this community made me feel that I’m not alone in this beautiful and challenging journey of MOTHERHOOD! 🙂

I’ve attended wonderful and really useful workshops that enable me to unleash my passion and I believe…. my calling.

Learning Is Fun With These Mamacademy Workshops

Nanay on a Budget (A Family Budgeting 101 Learning Session & Workshop for Moms)

Learning is fun - Nanay on a Budget

I worked as an accounting staff for 4 years and I’ve experienced to work on our company’s balance sheet – budgeting its income and expenses. I tell you it’s hard especially if you’re dealing with a large sum of money. But I’ve realized that It’s harder  to budget your own money. 😛

With this workshop I learned practical ways on how to manage my family’s finances. The budgeting system I learned from it is what I’ve been using to track our income and expenses until now. I was also reminded to put God first as I set our financial goals as a family.

Mom’s Breastfriend (Breastfeeding Essential Workshop)

Learning is fun - Mom's Breastfriend
(c) Mamacademy PH

Honestly, I’ve joined this workshop because aside from having low milk supply at that time my confidence to breastfeed my son was low as well. I’ve learned the wonderful benefits of breastfeeding that’s why I was so eager to do it for my son. We were taught the correct breastfeeding positions, hand expression, and of course foods that can boost the supply of our milk.

One of my best takeaways is that successful breastfeeding all start in our minds. You have to believe in yourself that you can supply the milk that your child needs. It is also important the you surround yourself with people who believe that you can and will encourage you in your breastfeeding journey.

Oh and you know what? I’m 2 years and 6 months breastfeeding and still counting.  😉

Inspired To Blog, Blog To Inspire (A Workshop on Purpose Filled and Effective Blogging)

Learning is fun - Inspired to Blog Blog to Inspire
(c) Mamacademy PH

I didn’t really dream to be a writer or a blogger even when I was young. It was never part of my dreams. That’s why I was pondering why God gave me this desire to write and share my experiences not just as a wife or as a mom but as a Christian. And I realized as I go through my life’s journey I have a lot of stories to share. Stories that can help others who might be experiencing the same trials as I do and stories to encourage one’s faith.

Even before I joined this workshop I’ve already made my own blog. But I attended because as a beginner I still want to learn from the experts. And Truly it was a great opener to me. We learned a lot about the basics of creating your own blog, the five powerful P’s (PEOPLE, PURPOSE, PLATFORM, PRESENCE, AND PASSION), and of course some apps and sites that can help as I put it up.

I believe that my blog “The Heart That Is Good” is being used by God as a stage for His glory. I write devotionals and my own experiences on how God is teaching me to have a heart that is good. You can also find other people’s story of faith, trials, and victories on it.

Teacher Mom (Homeschooling and Teaching Young Children)

Learning is fun - Teacher Mom
(c) Mamacademy PH

It has been my dream to be a teacher since I was a child. From a corporate worker, I pursued my dream to be a teacher. And Yes, I’m living that dream now! Thank God for answering my prayer! But it doesn’t stop there. I want to be my child’s own teacher! When I’ve learned about homeschooling in our church, I asked God if He could give me the chance to do it to my own son. If I can teach other students, why not my own child. We all know that the home is the first school of our children and the parents are their first teachers. It is also the home where they first build up their character.

With that desire I attended another wonderful workshop of Mamacademy. The speaker explained more the importance of homeschooling especially in today’s generation. I also learned a lot of fun activities that we can do as we start our journey. Most importantly, you have to make that learning with your child FUN and not stressful for the both of you. Nothing’s perfect and there will be challenges along the way that’s why we have to equip ourselves as well because we cannot give what we do not have.

You can find some important homeschooling notes here : “Teacher Mom” : A homeschooling workshop by Mamacademy

Mother’s Day Urban Gardening Workshop by Mamacademy x Ayala Malls Felix

(c) Ayala Malls Feliz

This is a free workshop by Mamacademy PH and Ayala Malls Feliz in celebration of Mother’s Day. I invited my mom,my sister, and my aunt here and we all enjoyed it!

I really wanted to learn about simple urban gardening because I know God has put in my heart the desire to grow plants at home. Sometimes I envy other people who can pick vegetables, fruits and some herbs just in the comfort of their home. We know how these foods nowadays get so expensive. How good it is to get a harvest from your own garden.

Indeed it was a unique and special way to celebrate Mother’s day!

Check out our fun experience in planting our own basil plant on this link: A Mother’s Day Special (Urban Gardening Workshop at Ayala Malls Feliz)

When She Writes (A Writing Workshop For Women)

When She Writes
(c) Mamacademy PH

After affirming my passion as a blogger, I think I’m on my way to becoming an author!! Yes! This is something God put in my heart. To write my own book! Of course there’s still a lot to learn but I’m so determined to do it because I believe I have a message to share.

This workshop aimed to empower women to confidently express themselves through writing.  A lot of important points were discussed on what makes an effective writer. The speaker also shared a lot of tips and lessons that we can use to attract our readers and target market.

Sharing with you some of these learning points on this link: A Writing Workshop : When She Writes

The bonus part of attending workshops in Mamacademy is meeting new mommy friends that became my prayer partners and led me to a deeper relationship with God. So grateful for them! 😉

If you’d like to know more about this wonderful community for women, first-time moms or soon-to-be moms, you can check their upcoming events / workshops on the following site and social media accounts:

Mamacademy PH Website

Facebook account

Instagram account


Hi there! My name’s Sheen! I’m a Christian blogger from the Philippines. My blog shares God story on how He is teaching me to have The Heart That Is Good in every area of life. You can also find devotionals and other people’s inspiring stories in my blog. Join me as we learn how to live a life with a teachable heart.

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