Most of us deal with some form of lack of confidence. We are not confident in how we look or how we relate to others. We are not confident of what we are able to do. Or basically we are not confident of who we are.
Sadly, the list goes on for the consequences of having low self-esteem. This includes impaired academic and job performance, anxiety, and stress which can eventually result in depression, and even relational problems.
Nevertheless, all of us come across that struggle of finding confidence at some point in our life. No one is exempted and we all go through that process of shifting confidence levels in different stages and seasons of life.
The good news is, it’s never impossible for us to reach that unfaltering level of confidence when we have God-confidence. Even how much this world makes you feel insecure and even how its increasing demands threaten you, you’ll surely get by better and the best of who you are with God-confidence.
Here are 4 principles on how you can develop God-confidence.
If you personally know who your God is, then I assume you would put greater confidence in His word and promises to you. The truth about Him and who He says He is will help develop that God-confidence in you.
No matter how much you fail at times or how sinful you were in the past, believe in this: There’s nothing you can do to make God love you less. That’s just who he is.
Our God is good. (Psalm 100:5)
Our God is faithful. (Hebrews 10:23)
He is merciful, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. (Exodus 34:6)
He is the truth, the way, and the life. (John 14:6)
He is our light and salvation, the strength of our life. (Psalm 27:1)
And many more… Of course, you can all find them in the scripture, so it’s time to shake the dust off your Bible and start to uncover all that God wanted to tell you about Him.
Don’t wait for others to reveal it to you, God himself will be the one to reveal himself to you if you will just take that one step of faith to believe in Him and accept Him in your life.
Have you thought whether you are worthy or not? Do you believe that you are loved even before you were born? Do you see yourself as special and one of a kind?
Well if you do, I just can’t imagine how much more you can accomplish and how far you can go with that level of confidence in knowing your real identity. But if your answer is otherwise, then I think you need to work on digging for the truth of who you really are in God’s eyes.
No matter how people label your identity as a loser, ugly, dumb, weakling, or hopeless, know the truth that God wouldn’t say that to His beautiful creation who He created in His image and likeness.
Yes! In our Sovereign and Almighty God’s image and likeness! Do you ever think He would make trash? Who would create something just for others to make fun of? God made you as you are for a greater purpose.
Knowing the very purpose of your existence is one sure thing to make your confidence unwavering. That you are born to do something great and to be someone that will bring glory and honor to God.
The social labels that were thrown at you couldn’t even compete with how God labeled you:
You are loved by the King of kings and Lord of lords. (1 John 4:19)
You are precious to His eyes. (Psalm 139:13-16)
You are chosen to be part of His inheritance. (Deuteronomy 4:20)
You are set apart from this world. (Jeremiah 1:5)
You are beautiful just as your God is. (Genesis 1:27)
You are gifted to shine and point others to Christ. (Matthew 5:16)
And you are SO MUCH MORE!
We also have to understand that placing our confidence in what we can do and in our achievements can do us more harm than good. When we fail and our strengths and abilities slowly fade away, our confidence starts to crash down. But when you firmly believe that the abilities that you have are from the Lord, you begin to build up that God-confidence in you.
Back in my primary school days, I remember being chosen as one of the participants in a Writing and Spelling Competition. I couldn’t remember if I won or not, but one thing was clear to me, I wasn’t confident with my writing skills back then. I didn’t even know why I was chosen. For people who are close to me, they know my penmanship isn’t that remarkable or something you’d enjoy looking at. In short, it isn’t something I would consider my skill.
Several years later, who would know that I would be doing the very thing I thought I was not gifted with. Once I embraced it and have realized that God has given this talent to me for a purpose, together with the encouragement and affirmation of the people around me, I learned to embrace it.
And now it is one of the many things that gives me joy and confidence knowing that it is the Lord who has endowed it to me. I write for a purpose of impacting lives and influencing them to live a life with a teachable heartꟷThe Heart That is Good!
Do you know that in the book All the Promises of the Bible by Herbert Locklear, he claimed to have found 7,147 promises of God in the Bible? If you will just have the time to search it your own, I bet you wouldn’t be able to grasp the overwhelming amount of promises that you will find there. They are God’s promises to man, to His beloved children, and to those who will put their trust in Him.
I love this saying, “You would never experience God’s miracles and promises unless you apply His principles.”
This is true indeed.
How can you claim them if you haven’t fulfilled what should be done in order to receive them? Knowing-believing-claiming God’s blessings in your life will help develop the God-confidence in you.
Some of these promises that have helped me trust God more are these:
God will provide for us. (Philippians 4:19)
God will help me and will always be with me. (Isaiah 41:10)
God will give us eternal life with Him. (1 John 2:25)
Find more of God’s promises and declare them in your life!
Building my Confidence Professionally and Personally
Last year, I joined different workshops and events that could help me build my confidence personally and professionally.
I joined the Empowered Virtual Services Philippines (EVS) workshop From English Carabao to Business English Pro to build my confidence in expressing myself freely in English.
I was also part of their online workshop on Confidence facilitated by EVS founder Ms. Yona Signo who is a Certified Sacred Space Holder and Wellbeing Boost Facilitator. We learned a lot from their guest speaker Ms. Mafae Belasco on how we can turn our insecurities into strengths.
I love how EVS has been so generous in empowering people professionally and personally.

There is also this 3 Day Confidence Booster Challenge at The Fulfilled Women Community led by my sister in Christ, Viviene Bigornia, who is a Mindset and Goalsetting Coach and a Motivational Speaker. The workshop had helped me get out of my comfort zone by sharing my limiting beliefs in the group and how I would have episodes of self-doubts. This community has been helping a lot of women gain confidence in achieving their goals with faith in God.
I’m blessed to be part of their TFW Success Club as well. This intimate group has monthly sessions and events to support and encourage one another in achieving their goals.

Empower Women in Christ, Develop God-confidence
God has also put that desire in me to empower others to live a life with a teachable heart, to live out their God-given purpose, and embrace their true identity in Christ.
Hence, He impressed in my heart to write my second book, A Woman of True Beauty and Power, to help women gain the confidence on who God created them to be. To be God-confident that they were brought into this world, not to be stepped and looked down, but to rise high and point others to Christ.
This book also includes stories of empowered women in Christ showcasing the glory of God in their lives.
Publishing this 2022, I’m excited how this will help others see themselves the way God sees them. So stay tuned!
I also wrote an article about two powerful ways to empower women. You might want to check it out.

Finally, friends, keep looking for opportunities to elevate your confidence. There are many workshops and mentors out there that can help you get one step closer to becoming the person you were always meant to be. But above all, be intentional in developing God-confidence in you for it surpasses all that this world could offer.
Be God-confident of who your God is, who He says you are, what you can do, and the promises that await you in Christ.
Be beautifully confident inside out!