What do you do when you are already tired of waiting?

Early this morning I wrote on my diary and told God about the current status of my heart. I told Him how I was feeling a little bit hopeless and impatient on something.  There was this feeling in my heart that wants to complain and doubt about His plans and promises to me. And then I continued reading the Bible for my devotion.

The Conquest of The Land of Canaan

Right now I’m on the book of Proverbs and Joshua. As I read about Joshua chapters 6-12, I’ve learned how Joshua and the whole Israelites obeyed God’s commands and their conquests on the land of Canaan. It’s so amazing that whenever they are set to attack a tribe or a large group of pagans, God would tell them that they shouldn’t be afraid of these people because God has already delivered them into their hands.

I’ve only read 6 chapters and they have already taken much of the  land. You can even read it in just one sitting. But I just learned that the conquest of the land of Canaan actually took 7 years.

The Struggle of Waiting

In the same way God made me realize that we often expect quick changes in our lives and other people’s lives, and quick victories over sin. He reminded me that our journey with Him is a lifelong process and that changes and victories may take time.

tired of waiting

It is true that it’s easy to grow impatient with God and get tired of waiting because things are moving too slowly. It’s even more difficult when you are close to that hopeless situation and see no progress at all.

But no matter what happens, God wants me to believe that He never stops working. Never. He wants me to fix my eyes on Jesus and have faith on His promises. Easier said than done right? Yes, but only by the grace of God can I do what He wants me to do. Joshua must have waited for a long time before they were able to claim the victory but in their waiting God has also shown them that He was with them all the time.

Here I am about to complain to my Dad (I usually address God that way ever since) and here He is rebuking me lovingly right away. Isn’t God so sweet? Indeed He is alive!

Life and Follow me on Facebook: The Heart That Is Good


Hi there! My name’s Sheen! I’m a Christian blogger from the Philippines. My blog shares God story on how He is teaching me to have The Heart That Is Good in every area of life. You can also find devotionals and other people’s inspiring stories in my blog. Join me as we learn how to live a life with a teachable heart.

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