How do you keep yourself grounded in God’s promises amid the pandemic? What do you do to battle the anxieties caused by this global viral infection?
We’ve come to this point of time where in mental disorder has been a major concern in public. To tell you honestly, even the believers—Jesus’ followers are not exempted when it comes to this kind of attack. Christians can still experience depression, mental and emotional disorders, anxieties, and even paranoia.
Just several weeks ago, I’ve read on twitter about a pastor who went into a behavioral health center to be treated for his depression. Yes, this is real. The battle in our mind is real! If we don’t control the things that comes and stays in our mind, it will control our emotions and actions eventually.
Even I would experience temptations to listen to the lies of the enemy and made me worry and doubt God’s sovereignty and promises. Satan’s goal is to immobilize me, and all of us, with fear, lies, and anxieties. He doesn’t want us to move forward and fulfill God’s purposes in our lives.
The enemy might bombard us with thoughts like,
You and your family won’t make it.
You’ll get sick too like the others.
You won’t be able to finish your schooling.
You will never get that job.
Your situation is hopeless. Stop trying.
Your marriage is over.
These are all his schemes to prevent you from experiencing all that God has in store for you. If you baby these negative thoughts in your mind, sooner or later, you’ll see yourself being destructed from the inside out.
That is why…
It is important to fill our minds with good things most especially with God’s word.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. —Philippians 4:8

What is Scripture Art?
There is a great need to remind ourselves—always—of His truth and promises. This is our weapon to counterattack the lies of the enemy.
Reading the Bible is a MUST. It will help you believe and develop your faith that He can get you through this pandemic and live a fulfilling and purposeful life in Him.
Related Topic: Here are 3 Reasons Why We Need Spiritual Nourishment in This Time of Pandemic.
Aside from reading your personal Bible, meditating God’s word through Scripture Art is a very good way to refresh our minds and hearts with things that can empower us to do more, and overcome challenges in this difficult time. Scripture art is an art based on scripture that can help us keep God’s word deep in our heart. It can also be used to enhance your Bible study. Jean Jones, a Bible Study author and speaker, shared 6 ways on how Scripture Art can enhance both your personal and group Bible study.
God’s word alone is already powerful, but when you incorporate art in it, with colorful backgrounds and attractive appearance, learning and meditating on God’s word will definitely be a delightful experience for you.
Here are 3 creative ways to be always reminded of God’s word through Scripture Art as we go about our daily lives.
1. Mobile Phone wallpapers /Desktop Wallpapers

We can’t deny the fact that almost everyone spend more time on gadgets nowadays. According to a report released by Nielsen, a leading global provider of information and insights into what consumers watch and buy, Filipinos spend close to three hours a day on their smartphones.
But that was in 2014. Since our outdoor activities have become more limited now, and that we stay home the whole day frequently, I can’t imagine the time we spend using our mobile phones or any gadgets to access the internet.
And since we often use such devices, this is a good opportunity to be reminded of the Scripture by applying a Bible verse themed wallpaper either on our mobile phone or laptop. I believe this can be a powerful reminder especially when you are feeling down from reading negative feeds from your social media accounts.
Seriously, social media can be so chaotic. No wonder a lot of people decide to deactivate their accounts or do a month-long social media fast.
Friend, don’t worry. Having a Scripture Art on your phone can help change whatever negativity you are feeling inside. Just choose to focus on God’s truth and let go of the lies that the enemy throws at you.
I may not know the battles you are going through right now, but I want to encourage you with these Scripture Art phone wallpapers to keep the faith and to believe that God has a great plan and purpose for your life.
2. Framed Prints of Bible Verses

Not only will it make a good décor to your house, but it’s also a creative way to be reminded of God’s word at the comfort of your home. Especially now that most people stays at home either due to lockdown or a work from home set up. You can hung them in a place where most of the family members work. Isn’t it nice to remember the scripture while cooking, having your meals in the dining room, at your bedroom before your sleep, or while your family is having quality time in the living room?
I like the story shared by Hilary Bernstein on her blog post, An Easy Way to Remind Yourself of Scripture at Home, about a mother who hung nautical pictures all over the walls of their home. And when her sons grew up, they became sailors. The author explicated that whatever we choose to hang on the walls of our house can be more important and influential than we can imagine.
I believe this just shows how powerful visual encouragement/reminders can be. What we frequently feed our minds and our eyes can play a major role on how we mold our beliefs and perspective in life.
A good sister of mine gifted me with this framed Bible verse décor a few years ago for my birthday. And I just so love this powerful statement that every woman should always remember. True beauty is not just shown in the outer appearance. It is what’s inside you. A woman worth celebrating is a woman who fears the Lord.
Every time I will look at it, I’ll be encouraged to believe that there is beauty in me because I fear and love the Lord. YES, I AM BEAUTIFUL. AND SO ARE YOU!
3. Stickers
Another creative way to give us a quick inspiration and wisdom is by using stickers! Either it’s a wall sticker or small ones to use on your bulletin board or notebooks, as long as it speaks life and truth to you, It’s a must-try!
A good friend sent me a message a few months ago telling me that she wanted to surprise me with some exciting news. I got so excited because I know God has been leading her to do something wonderful. Just recently, she showed me what she had been working on, and I was really thrilled with her new put up business right in the midst of this pandemic!
God has blessed her with amazing gifts and she is using it now to bless and encourage others to come to Jesus. Her online shop Heart Warmer PH sells handcrafted (by her skillful hands) items for Christian journal enthusiasts – created to warm your heart!
You can find these cute stuff on her shop:

Faith Sticker Strips – for your planner or Bible art journal to encourage you to pursue Jesus every day. (photos grabbed from

Christian Sticker Pack – stickers designed for Bibles, journals, notebooks, laptops and more!

Prayer journal – to help you keep a record of all your prayers and the prayers that God answered.
My friend and I believe in the power of Scripture Art to plant a seed in people’s heart. We know why a lot of people need this right now. All of us are going through a battle, and God’s promises and truth are something we need to meditate on and hide in our hearts.
A Special Scripture Art Gift From a Good Friend
A few weeks ago, I received this gift from her and I just love everything! I also like how the message of these stickers was carefully handcrafted and chosen to encourage its customers in faith. Decorating, not just my journals, but also my working station gets more exciting now! Thank you so much! May you touch more lives!
You may visit her shop to know more about her products. Like and follow her social media pages too to be updated of her upcoming cute original Christian handcrafted arts!
P.S. Oh by the way, did I tell you? This gifted friend of mine, Lailanie Malbas, was the one who designed the cover of my first book When Love is Lost: How to Stay Committed in a Broken Marriage. You just can’t imagine how blessed I am to have met her. Praise God indeed for bringing wonderful and amazing people in my life.
Putting Scripture Art on your mobile phones, on your walls, on your door posts, or anywhere in the house can impact your day in a powerful way. So what’s your pick? Why not try all these three and submerge yourself with the truth that God loves you so much even if you are in the middle of a storm. Because we all do. And we will overcome! Christ in us is greater than the circumstances we are facing right now.
After all, this is God’s commandment to all of us.
These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. —Deuteronomy 6:6-9