It’s a start of a new year again and I believe everybody is so excited and hopeful for what this year has in store for them. But just like my yearly tradition as I go on to face this new year (by the way here’s the link for my post on my prayer and fasting week last year) , I made sure to begin it seeking the Lord and His will for me this 2020. Here are my takeaways from Christ Commission Fellowship’s (CCF) 6-day prayer and fasting week – Intercede 2020.
Pray for the Church

The first day started with this prayer “Lord, teach me to love like You. ?” How hard it is to love difficult and unloving people. What more are the cheaters, liars, and judgmental. ?
One thing I’m reminded again is that GOD CHANGES HEARTS. ❤️ Even with all our might we can’t change this hard-to-love kind of people. Our only responsibility is to love them like Jesus. But it is hard to love them without the love of Christ in us.
In my own experience, I have seen how God loves the lost and the sinners SO MUCH. And He BLESSES THOSE WHO LOVE LIKE HIM. 🙂
Thank You Lord for your word! You are the God who restores broken relationships. Teach us to love others like You. ❤️?? Teach us to love the church who are consist of sinners who need much of You.
Pray for the Nation

My Bible reading in the morning of the second day was so timing with the main point which is a prayer for our nation.
I was reading the book of Nehemiah chapter 6 and I’ve learned about the oppositions Nehemiah faced as he built the city walls of Jerusalem. He was a great leader who put His trust in God to accomplish his tasks for God’s people. But He was under attacked.
In the same way, our leaders, who are given great responsibilities, are targets for attacks. Let’s make it a practice to pray for those in authority. Let’s ask God to give them the strength to stand against temptation and personal troubles.
How about you? How much do you love your country? Do you care to pray for your leaders? This is something I’m beginning to practice and I thank God for putting that desire in my heart to pray for those in authority.
In Psalm 33:12 it says,
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
the people he chose for his inheritance.”
May God bless our country!
Here is a prayer of King Solomon for the Israelites that God acknowledged. May we also learn from this prayer for our people and our land.
Pray for the Family

The third day of Intercede 2020 is about prayer for the family.
The enemy is always at work in destroying lives,marriages,relationships, and families.
In 1 Peter 5:8 it says, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”
If we are the only Christian in our family, it is our responsibility to faithfully pray for them. Prayer is our greatest weapon to battle the challenges and trials we are facing.
Let us remember that our family is and should always be our first ministry. They are a gift from God and He designed it for us to enjoy and not to endure.
It may be hard because a family is composed of people who have different personalities with different sins. But it’s a relief to know that our God is in the business of restoring broken lives, broken relationships, and broken families. ❤️? THANK YOU LORD!
Whatever you are going through in your life right now, never lose hope! Pray faithfully for our loved ones! Our God is Almighty!
Pray for Healing

We may not understand why God allow things..
Why He allow bad things to happen to good people..
Why He doesn’t answer our prayers for healing,..
But one thing remains true — God is good and He knows what’s best for us. His ways are perfect. (Psalm 18:30 ) ❤
When my father was in a critical condition almost three years ago, I was on my way to the hospital and in my mind I was telling God “Lord please heal my dad, but whatever happens just save him, just save him!” I was talking about his salvation. God may not heal my dad physically but I asked Him to heal him spiritually.
God is more concerned in our spiritual life than in our physical being. Finding Jesus is the greatest healing we can ever have in our lives.
Pray for a Personal Breakthrough

What is a breakthrough? According to Cambridge dictionary it is an important discovery or event that helps to improve a situation or provide an answer to it.
God wants us all to have a spiritual breakthrough. He wants to be so real in our lives.
I thank God that the brokenness I experienced last year led me to a breakthrough in Christ. ??
Let’s pray that the Lord will reveal Himself to us and experience a breakthrough that will change our lives forever. ❤
Pray for the Youth

The last day of #Intercede2020 is prayer for the youth.
The modern youth are really facing a lot of problems and it is our responsibility as adults to faithfully pray for them and lead them to Christ. This is one way to show our love for them. Praying for our children should be part of our lifestyle.
Let’s pray for the next generation to have an encounter with the Lord and for the youth to have understanding and wisdom in the calling God has for them. ?❤️?

And of course, I'm so proud of these people (my mom and my sister) who joined me for this year's INTERCEDE 2020. We've been doing this together for several years and even though we are now in different places (I used to live in my mom's house) they are willing to have a video call just for us to pray together and have a family devotion during the 6-day fast.
I know God can see our hearts and our desire to seek Him no matter what.
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