God knows my desire to homeschool my son even before I had a child. I know I have this calling to teach and I want to apply it in my own child. I’m happy God has blessed that desire with a welcoming gift.
Joining The EQ Diaper College Fund Promo 2018
When my son was born he used to wear a quite expensive diaper brand. (Yeah, moms like to give their best for their child, right?) But because of our increasing expenses I decided to use a more affordable one. I was then introduced to EQ Diaper. When I found out that they have contests and raffles I was so eager to use it. Besides I don’t wanna just throw away their wrappers especially that time when I already want to practice zero-waste living.
Last 2018, EQ had a College Fund Promo in partnership with Sunlife. There were 5 grand prizes of Sun Flexilink insurance worth P150,000 and 500 Consolation Prizes of P3000 worth of National Bookstore gift certificates.

I first joined in this raffle in 2017 but I didn’t win. And then in 2018 I decided to join again. Honestly I was hesitant at first because I know it takes a little effort in complying and making sure that your entry qualifies (imagine how many packs of diaper I have already bought), and going to the nearest drop box office but then you know you might not have the chance to win.
I didn’t really expect myself to win because even when I was still working in the corporate industry I didn’t have luck with company raffles or giveaways. Usually I will just tell God “Lord I want that one, but if you think others needed it better than me then let them win.”
God’s Rebuke
Still I joined because instead of putting these plastic wrappers to waste ,I can just return them to EQ cause they might be able to recycle them. So there, I collected all the wrappers and prepared my raffle entries. I also shared about it to my sister who also has a baby a few months younger than mine. She saw all that I’ve gathered and asked if she could have some of them since she has only collected a few.
At first I told her I don’t want to share. Of course I want to have more entries so I’ll have more chances of winning, right? But then God rebuked me and told me that it’s not about the number of entries I have. Even if I drop in a lot of entries and yet He doesn’t want me to win, I wouldn’t win. And if He wills it, even if I only have one raffle entry, I will win.
So I gave my sister some of my EQ wrappers and submitted only 10-15 envelops for my entries. Of course I didn’t put so much hope in winning. Just did my part in sending them back these wrappers and that’s it.
Winning The Consolation Prize
In the first week of January, I received a text message from EQ’s third party agency telling me that I was one of the winners for the Consolation prize of three thousand worth of gift certificates in National Bookstore! I was so surprised and happy! I hurriedly told my husband and my mom about it.
When I checked the list of winners in EQ’s FB page, I read some comments of those who joined. Some of them expressed their disappointments why they didn’t win even though they have submitted a lot of entries. There, God reminded me again of what He has told me before. He is in control. He may have His reasons why some didn’t win despite of their efforts. But still He knows what He’s doing. He is God, He is good!
A Welcoming Gift With EQ College Fund Promo
I was so happy that in the same month I attended a homeschooling workshop “Teacher Mom” by Mamacademy PH. I learned a lot from it. The speaker shared a lot of activities we could do and most of the materials can be bought from National Bookstore. Indeed God is so amazing! It’s not by luck that I was chosen in the raffle but because God has chosen me to be one of the winners. It’s not a coincidence. I don’t really believe in coincidences because I believe everything happens for a reason.
Lord You’re so good! You taught my heart to have a heart that is good and You rewarded me when I obeyed. Truly blessings follow obedience.
The first things I bought are books for my son. Thankfully he liked them. Later on I bought some supplies. I haven’t used all of the GC’s yet because I’m saving them up until the time Josh is ready to a lot of activities we can do. I’m also thankful for a couple who are a friend of ours, sis May and bro Poch, who gifted Josh a lot of supplies that we can use for his informal homeschooling. Thank you so much!
Thank you also EQ, Sunlife, and National Bookstore for this college fund promo!
Our God is sovereign. Our God is in control. His blessings come in unexpected ways. He knows what we need and when we need it. He will surely provide.
Just like what King David said in Psalm 24:1,
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it;
There is nothing God cannot give us if He knows we need it. Remember who He is. Just believe and have faith in Him.
But most importantly, He wants what’s in our hearts. A heart that listens and obeys His word. A HEART THAT IS GOOD.