Two Powerful Ways to Empower Women (Women’s Month Special)

In celebration of International Women’s Day, I’ve decided to make a post about what I believe is the best and most powerful way to empower women.

According to Google, to empower is to make someone stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights. It is to help someone gain confidence and reach his or her highest potential. The truth is, we all need to be empowered. We face a lot of challenges and changes in the world we live in now, and it is certain that no one survives on their own.

In one of the principles that I shared in my book “When Love is Lost”, I mentioned there that we can powerfully empower others when we point them to Jesus and help them know their true identity in Him.

Let me explain more about this.

Point Them to Jesus

Before you can empower someone, I believe that they should know the one who truly loves them. Right, love is one of the best motivating factor for someone to be empowered. We all want to love and feel loved.

Sad to say, the reality of people hurting and deceiving us is inevitable. And when it happens, for some, everything ends there. We can’t control people from breaking our hearts. We can only control how we respond to such circumstances.

But don’t worry my friend, even if others have caused you too much pain and has not reciprocated the love you lavishly gave, there is a love that is more than enough – the love of Jesus Christ.

His love for you is overflowing, unconditional, committed, sacrificial, and most importantly, it is PERFECT.

But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.
Ephesians 2:4-5 NIV

In essence, the first way to powerfully empower a friend or someone close to you is to lead them to Jesus so that they can experience His perfect love. That no matter what painful past they had or whatever trials they are going through right now, they are loved, cherished, and sought after by the One True God! Having a personal relationship with Him will help them live a life of abundance and true fulfillment.

Every one of us has goals and dreams. But sometimes because of our desire to reach them, we miss the most important things in life. We miss the very purpose of our existence.

God called His people to be set apart in this world. We don’t just live to achieve our goals and to be successful. Undoubtedly, we are here to make a difference and to live a Christ-centered life.

Sharing with you a story of how a woman changed her perspective in life when she experienced depression in reaching her goals and dreams. Read her story here.

Help Them Know Their True Identity in Christ

Do you know your God given identity? Or are you aware that you have a God-given identity?

This doesn’t have to do solely on spirituality but knowing your true identity in Christ will affect not just how you think but how you live your life as well.

For instance, if you have failed in some areas of your life, and someone told you “You are a loser.” “You are hopeless.” Do you easily believe those lies? Yes I said “lies”. Why? Believe it or not, when God brought us into this world, He has already set a specific purpose for our lives. It’s just our task to find that purpose by connecting with God and asking Him to reveal it to us.

We are not born to be a loser nor defeated. We may have experienced failure once or more than twice, but that doesn’t mean we are hopeless. That is not our true identity. .

What we do and what other people say about us does not define us. Who we are in Christ is our real identity.  Have someone told you that you are “special” or “unique” and that you are “beautiful”? If you read the Bible this is what God has to say about you. He say it with full confidence because He made you. And all He has made is good.

Since everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it but receive it with thanks.
1 Timothy 4:4 NLT

In our present-day, your identity is crucial. You need to know who you are. Or else, your culture and environment might shape a negative mindset in you. It will make you focus more on what you look on the outside.

God, on the other hand, wants you to focus on what you look on the inside.

Nowadays, people either measure their worth on the number of likes they have in Facebook or the number of their followers on social media. You have to believe that your worth is more than that.

Since we have and know our God-given identity, fortunately, we need not to be pressured or intimidated by the world’s standard. There’s no need to feel insecure about yourself because you know you are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Lord of lords and King of kings.

I will give thanks to You, because I am awesomely and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Your works,
And my soul knows it very well.
Psalm 139:14 NIV

In summing up, after you have led your friend to Jesus, help them know their God-given identity and grow in it. As a result, they might just reach their highest potential and be a great blessing to many.

Who are You?

If I were to meet you for the first time, and ask you “Who are you?” Can you give a precise and specific answer? In your mind, can you complete this sentence,

I AM _______________________.

 If you will be the one to ask me the same thing, I can confidently say,

…I am an author, a writer, a work in progress wife and mom.

…I am a follower of Jesus and a child of God.

I thank God I came to know Jesus at an early age.  Hence, I was able to build a personal relationship with Him. But there are times that I feel a little envious and disheartened when I see others achieving the things I used to dream.

However, every time I would feel such, God would gently remind me how much he loves me and that He has called me for a greater purpose. In fact, He has a great plan for me. Knowing Jesus and my identity in Him keep me moving forward , running my race with faith, and believing that greater things are ahead me. And I am certain He will tell the same thing to you.

Would love to know your “I AM” statement in the comments below. Remember, you are precious and special in the sight of the ALMIGHTY GOD!

Excited to let you know the next project I am currently working on. Yes! My first devotional! It is my desire to empower women and help them know that they are dearly loved, sought after, and cherished by the One True God. Stay tuned!


Hi there! My name’s Sheen! I’m a Christian blogger from the Philippines. My blog shares God story on how He is teaching me to have The Heart That Is Good in every area of life. You can also find devotionals and other people’s inspiring stories in my blog. Join me as we learn how to live a life with a teachable heart.

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