Showing: 21 - 30 of 39 Articles

My Quiet Time With The Lord (A Visit to Touch of Glory Prayer Mountain)

It’s the Holy Week and everybody has their own thing to do, their own place to go, and their own way to meditate and reflect on this very important event for a Christian’s life.   My husband and I had the chance to visit the Touch Of Glory Prayer Mountain yesterday. It is located in Sitio …

“Teacher Mom” : A Homeschooling Workshop

I attended a homeschooling workshop last month entitled “Teacher Mom: Homeschooling and Teaching Young Children”. This workshop was facilitated by Mamacademy Ph at Work/With PH in Taguig. The speaker was a homeschool mom herself Mommy Ivy San Diego – Guerrero. She is the writer behind the blog “The Vine That Writes”. I was really anticipating …

My Child’s First Dental Visit (Prevention Is Better Than Cure)

Prevention is better than cure Since the time my father died of sickness, God enlightened me about the importance of taking care of our health. This includes preventive measures and taking on steps to do something for my health before it’s too late. So I decided to set my prevention-is-better-than-cure goals every year. Prevention means to …

Thank you 2018, Welcome 2019! (My Gratitude list and Faith goals)

Making a gratitude list for the past year and faith goals for the new year is a good way to reflect on our lives and renew our commitments. 2018: One great training ground! Being grateful for all the trials and blessings of 2018! 2018 has been a great training ground for me!! I had breakthroughs, …