My Aunt sent me a picture of my son she had taken during a party in our relative’s house. You will feel the Christmas season in that place because it was beautifully decorated with lights and Christmas decors.
It was the first time Josh came near to a Christmas tree with lights since we haven’t put up one in our house yet. He looked so amazed with it and excited to kept on coming back on that tree. Everybody found it funny and silly because he would even come very close and seemed smelling it like that in the picture. But I believe that for him, in his innocence,those lights were so beautiful and amazing.

Looking at his picture, I am reminded of having a childlike faith.
A pure and innocent heart.
In Matthew 18:3, Jesus said that unless we change and become like little children, we will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Unfortunately, there are times when we, adults, tend to show and act in childishness. We often display lack of faith when trial comes and not being dependent on God because we believe more in ourselves than in Him. Most of the time we think only of our needs and wants and not the welfare of other people who are in great need. We give up easily and don’t hold fast on the promises of God. A lot of us keep on complaining about the things we do not have and not being thankful and contented with whatever He has given us. We worry about a lot of things without trusting the God who provides,cares,and loves us deeply just like children who trust their parents to protect,provide , and care for them.
Children are trusting by nature. They trust adults, and through that trust their capacity to trust God grows. They often follow their parent’s actions or people older than them because they believe and trust that what they’re doing is good.
We are not to be childish:
- arguing over petty issues
- needing to be the center of attention
- lying to stay-out of trouble
- blaming others when things go wrong
- crying and getting mad when one didn’t get what he/she wants
We are to be childlike:
- with a humble and sincere heart
- loving and forgiving
- trusting by nature
- always hopeful
- being content and happy in the little things
We all have areas in our lives where we struggle with childishness. We can observe how children act and ask God to help us make progress with childlike faith.