Difficult people are everywhere. We all deal with different kinds of difficult people in our lives. They can be our bosses, our workmates, clients, or friends. They can even be our spouse, our family, or any one that we find difficult to go along with. If we’re not careful on how we handle these people, they can  give us too much stress or they can take our joy away.

I remember when I was still working in the corporate industry, I had two workmates who played a trick on me. I was so angry that I even cried inside the office restroom. I was really mad of what they did to me. The next day, which is a weekend, I checked on the weekly devotional I subscribed to. Before I open it, I confidently asked God, “Okay Lord, what is your word for me today?” I continued reading it and a part of  that devotional went like this  “Today, look for ways to show kindness and goodness to the people around you even when they aren’t kind to you. Don’t repay evil for evil. Take the high road. Bless those who wrongfully use you. Seek to do good, show kindness, and you will see it come back as a blessing in your own life in return!” After reading it I cried! I dared to ask God what He wanted to tell me that day and upon knowing His message I couldn’t accept it. Well, at first I couldn’t because I was still so angry with them. I was hurt and I didn’t want to talk with them or whatever. But then God rebuked me lovingly. I had to obey it because I know it was also for my own good. I needed to let go of my pride and anger.

In Thessalonians 5:15 Paul said,

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I didn’t want to play tricks on them as well. I just wanted to give them a cold shoulder (kidding!).  God reminded me that how I respond on such situation will show my love for Him. Even though I was hurt, God healed my heart when I forgave these people who have hurt me. And it’s one of the greatest feelings in life!


Hi there! My name’s Sheen! I’m a Christian blogger from the Philippines. My blog shares God story on how He is teaching me to have The Heart That Is Good in every area of life. You can also find devotionals and other people’s inspiring stories in my blog. Join me as we learn how to live a life with a teachable heart.

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