Have you ever had a chance to meet someone who would listen to your visions, dreams, and goals in life? Someone who would see the potential in you and help you find clarity in pursuing your goals? Why not try to find a life coach.

First and foremost, what is a life coach and why do you need one? A life coach is someone who’ll help you discover your purpose, find clarity with your visions, and help you develop a plan may it be professional or personal goals. They do make incredible changes in their client’s lives by encouraging and giving them a strong support to move from where they are now to where they want to be.

Now what is a Christian life coach? Well, they don’t really differ that much. It’s just that a Christian life coach is one who includes Christian spirituality in coaching. They are guided by the scripture and work things out in a Christian worldview.

I just recently finished a series of life coaching sessions that helped me find clarity on the goals I want to pursue and gave life to my visions. I want to share with you my personal experience of having a Christian life coach and how it made a great impact in attaining my dreams and goals.

What are the benefits of having a Christian life Coach?

1. Guides you in developing plans to achieve your goals.

When I shared to my life coach the goals I wanted to achieve, she helped me make small steps at a time and would check my progress in each session. I would also share my ideas to her and would give me her honest feedback about them. She helped me focus on the more important things about my goals and gave me some leads on where and how to start.

At the end of our session, I realized that if I’m only on my own, I wouldn’t have made such big process in just a few months. Indeed, having a life coach can help you attain results faster.

2. Helps you gain confidence in pursuing your God-given purpose.

One the best things of having a Christian life coach is that you share the same faith. You believe and serve in the same God. Thus, the principles you live by are based solely on your faith. And I think that this is very important in pursuing and accomplishing your goals.

I believe that our biggest purpose is to glorify God on how we live our life in this world.

My life coach assured me that the goals I wanted to pursue can really benefit others and magnify Christ in my life. She helped me see my gifts and talents and how I can use them to serve God and others. There were things I thought I couldn’t do but because of the support of my life coach, I was able to overcome my fears.

3. Strengthens your faith to overcome obstacles that may come your way.

There was a time that I felt down of not being able to make any progress at all but then my life coach uplifted me and understood clearly what I was going through as a working mom. I felt how genuine she was towards my thoughts and feelings. Still she encouraged me to believe in myself and not to get overwhelmed of my current situation. She advised me to stick to my plan as I continue my journey.

A Christian life coach could also help you identify and change any habits that could hinder you from realizing your dreams and visions.

I feel so amazed on how God led me to a Christian life coach that helped me bring my visions to life.

Sandra Wald is one of the interesting and encouraging people I’ve met. She has worked at a small private university for 12 years as an administrator and instructor. Because of an intense desire to support other women in acknowledging and more fully using their gifts, she took a life coaching course through Beautiful You Academy

She is a Christian who loves arts and one of her favorite verses is: Zechariah 4:10. 

Moreover, she’ll help you feel empowered as a woman God wants you to be. I find her very encouraging and motivating. In our first meeting, I already found comfort speaking to her with my goals. She is very passionate on what she does. She also has great listening skills. I admire how she listens attentively to all I want to say and process them gracefully. Without a doubt this great positivity in her will attract you to be positive with yourself as well.

I highly recommend her for your life coaching needs. More importantly, as a believer of our Lord Jesus Christ, we should find a life coach who can guide us in achieving our goals while practicing Christian beliefs.

You can connect with her through the following accounts:

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/sandramwald/

Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/sandra_wald/

Website: www.sandrawald.com

Email address: Sandra@sandrawald.com


Hi there! My name’s Sheen! I’m a Christian blogger from the Philippines. My blog shares God story on how He is teaching me to have The Heart That Is Good in every area of life. You can also find devotionals and other people’s inspiring stories in my blog. Join me as we learn how to live a life with a teachable heart.

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