Have you ever hoped for something that other people believed is impossible?

It’s really not easy to hope for something good when what you see is different from what you feel. The Bible says that we should live and walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Oh it’s easier said than done!

Let’s find out how this man faced all the impossibilities the world had thrown at him with a heart that hopes.

A Heart That Hopes

More than five years ago, a surgeon from St. Lukes during a diagnosis asked me a question that brought me both tears and pain. He said, “How would you have your own child if there’s a lot of defects in your heart?”

Needless to say, I was left with the hope of getting through with a heart defect. Only a major open heart operation will make me survive, live a long life, and give me a baby of my own.

I was diagnosed with a rare congenital heart disease.

Since then, medicine maintenance has become part of my daily routine. There are a lot of strenuous physical activities I have to avoid, extreme emotions that I have to manage, and a job that was compromised.

I felt so weak, limited and devastated.

Despite all these issues I want to survive and I want a child of my own. This is what I told myself. I decided to commit in faith and prayer our biggest desire – a baby.

Then 3rd of October year 2017 came with a surprise. Dion Davidson was born (pre-term). My wife and I were very happy. But seeing him with a lot of medical apparatus in his body breaks us easily.

A heart that hopes

Day 2; October 4, in the hospital; Dion was not able to survive because his lungs are weak. It brought us a lot of tears and pain. Perhaps, I just have to accept my fate that what the doctor claimed is really something else. I will never have a child of my own. On second thought, my only prayer keeps me wondering about what faith and prayer can do in the midst of us struggling in tears and pain. In our weakness, we still wanted to be strong in the Lord and exercise our Christian faith.

Believe and You Will Receive

Two years after, 4th of March year 2019, a healthy full-term baby boy Elijah Ethan came to us and it changed everything. My wife and I realized that what is impossible to man is possible to God. If the Medical Science through a diagnosing surgeon proclaimed that I cannot have a child of my own, then wait and see what God can do. Written in the book of Mark 11:24, and I quote:

“When you pray, and you ask for something, believe that you have received it and you will be given what you asked for”.

God sees everything including our tears.

He feels everything including our pain.

He hears everything including our prayers.

Handsome and healthy baby Ethan!!

There Is Always Hope

In the most weakening times of our lives, we may sigh and say, “He is not present”, “He seem not to care”, “There is no hope”. But for all we know, in His time, a miracle will happen. Indeed, what is impossible to man, is possible to God through faith and prayer.

I don’t know what my future holds, all I know is at the presence of Jesus, we can always expect a miracle.

For all those who find it hard to believe, I pray that God will reveal His will for you to feel His presence and see the fulfillment of His promises. He is always at work. In fact, He is always present in your situations and conditions.

My name is Allan Busa, a family man and a servant of God who will commit to continue praying in faith with a heart that hopes.

To Him be all the glory.


Share Your Story

I know every one of us has a story to share.A story on how God taught you…
… to forgive,
… to be still amidst the storms of life,
… to be faithful,
… to be a loving and respectful spouse,
…to be a mom or a dad with unconditional and sacrificial love,
… and so much more.

Bless and inspire other people with your own story on how God is teaching your heart to be ..


You can send me a message on my FB page:

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Share your story because your story matters to God! 


Hi there! My name’s Sheen! I’m a Christian blogger from the Philippines. My blog shares God story on how He is teaching me to have The Heart That Is Good in every area of life. You can also find devotionals and other people’s inspiring stories in my blog. Join me as we learn how to live a life with a teachable heart.

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