Before I became a Christian, I have lots of big dreams and goals. Dream to travel to different countries, to work abroad and earn a lot of money, to have a big house, a car, and the list goes on. I know most people have the same list as mine and it isn’t bad to dream big anyway right?

But when I came to know the Lord, all of my dreams changed. As a wife of 3 years and a first-time mom, I started to make goals that are align with God’s will for me and my family. Goals that have a lasting reward.

Goals With A Lasting Reward

First is to be a godly wife that God wants me to be for my husband. One that is patient (with the transformation in our life) , understanding (especially in our differences), submissive (which is really hard for me at first because I can be so stubborn most of the time but thank God I’m coping up), gentle,humble, and all that a godly wife could be.

As a mom, I dream to give the best I can for my son like learning how to prepare healthy meals for him which I’m not really fond of before, and instilling healthy lifestyle for my family. But most importantly, I believe God has given me as well as my husband the responsibility to nurture our son in God’s word. That’s why homeschooling in the future became one of my goals so that I can have more time to teach my son about the Bible.

Of course, it’s never easy. There are many obstacles that hinder and challenges to overcome along the way. But still, I thank God for the wisdom He had given me generously, that with it, I can save more time,energy,money , and even precious moments with my family.

Goals That Determine Our Eternal Future

Such (spiritual) goals I have stated above may not seem exciting to some but they will for sure determine our eternal future. How much better it is to align our goals with God’s, being the kind of person He wants us to be and doing the things that He wants us to do.

As proverbs 17:24 says,

dream big with a lasting reward

It may be nice to have wonderful dreams but pursuing earthly goals alone have no lasting reward. You might be happy when you’ve achieved them but later on you will realize that the happiness it can give you is only temporary. I still want to travel, to have a house, and a car, but they’re not my priority now. I know God loves me and He desires to bless me with good things and I believe that He will give these to me in His own perfect time.

Let’s ponder about our dreams and goals and make sure they cover the really important areas of life. To my fellow moms and wives, let us not chase after the wind.

A Heart That Honors God1

Read a wonderful story of how a woman changed her perspective in life when she experienced depression in reaching her goals and dreams.

A Heart That Honors God – A Christ-Centered Life


Hi there! My name’s Sheen! I’m a Christian blogger from the Philippines. My blog shares God story on how He is teaching me to have The Heart That Is Good in every area of life. You can also find devotionals and other people’s inspiring stories in my blog. Join me as we learn how to live a life with a teachable heart.

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